
Stronger together: “CO2 Value Europe” promoting sustainable transition against climate disaster


CCU technologies to convert carbon into new products and reduce global CO2 emissions

Uniper is a part of “CO2 Value Europe”, where more than 100 associations, companies, universities and research institutes collaborate to set standards for an important industry: CCU (Carbon Capture and Utilization). The technologies of the concept close the circle of CO2 production and reuse to reduce emissions and counteract climate issues. With these sustainable industrial solutions, it is already possible to transform CO2 into valuable everyday products such as fuels including kerosene, building materials, or plastics. By capturing CO2 from the air or from existing productions and recycling it, we are able to produce a feedstock and to make a change by significantly contributing to the net reduction of global CO2 emissions.

“When the association “CO2 Value Europe” was founded in 2017 as a result of a visionary European research project, members realized that one project is not enough and they have to keep the fire going – and that CO2 reuse has to be a pillar of the sustainable transition”, says Walter Eevers, Director of Research and Development at VITO. With the massive amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and many things in our daily lives that are made from Carbon (C), Carbon Monoxide (CO) or even Carbon Dioxide (CO2) using the CO2 as a valuable feedstock was just too good to be true for a long time, although technologies have been developed for decades.

These technologies become extremely important in the fight against climate disasters from global warming. No doubt that climate change marks a huge threat to human life and has already a big effect on our society. But we can’t stop carbon as it is the key element in many products around us, such as building materials, fuel for mobility, and clothes or plastics – stopping carbon would stop life as we know it.

“To lower energy consumption won’t be enough; next to carbon neutrality in the energy system the development towards smart CO2 recycling technologies necessary”, says Dr. Stefanie Kesting, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of “CO2 Value Europe” and Director of Innovation at Uniper.


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If we would flip the switch now, everything would collapse. But there are a lot of opportunities to change whole industries through CCU technologies: Massive amounts of CO2 are emitted in the cement and steel industry. With CCU technologies we could reduce emissions and still deliver building materials to humanity. Also, mobility can be supported without increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. Technologies can capture carbon and create new fuel out of it – such as kerosene for airplanes.

“With ‘CO2 Value Europe’, we are aiming to raise awareness and acceptance of the enormous potential of CCU. Then, we can come to an industry where it is standard to use CO2 and produce valuable products of our daily lives as soon as possible. It will reduce emissions significantly”, says Kesting. “The concept of CCU brings value to Europe in many ways. Not only from the climate but also from the economic perspective.”

Together, we have a much louder voice. “CO2 Value Europe” works continuously to convince politicians and industries to get CCU technologies into the market. Together with EU and national policy makers, we develop a regulatory and market framework to create a business case for the commercial deployment. By connecting partners, “CO2 Value Europe” brings relevant expertise together and manages experts to interact and communicate.

“One thing I know for sure: We are talking about the future of human life and planet earth. And I couldn’t use my work life better than growing this innovation and making CCU an absolute standard”, says Kesting.

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Elisabeth Schuessler-Kemper
Thrilling and fascinating solution for a better future!